Adams, John Stowell (gest. 1893)

Biographisches Stichwort

Zu John S. Adams liegen mir noch keine biographischen Angaben vor. Von ihm stammt auch das Buch "Town and Country, or, Life at Home and Abroad".

5000 Musical Terms
A Complete Dictionary of Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, French, German, Spanish, English, and Such Other Words, Phrases, Abbreviations, and Signs as Are to Be Found in the Works of Bach, Beethoven, Bertini, Haydn, Handel, Hunten, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Weber and other eminent musical composers, the whole including the celebrated dictionaries of Dr. Busby, Czerny, Grassineau and Hamilton to which is added a treatise on playing the organ of piano-forte by figures, etc.

* 1. Aufl. Boston und New York 1851 (Ditson & Co.), 166, 16 S. und Notenbeispiele
* London 1878 (Sheard), 143 S.

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